Humbly serving all with their beauty, flowers say more to us about God than anything else. Each one brings a message that the Heavenly Father is right here. - Paramhansa Yogananda

About The Trinity Bee & Me

The Trinity Bee is a chronicle of my call to ministry and to inspiring the spirit to feel more free. It starts where any busy bee would start -- with flowers. Gathering wildflowers has always been the thing I do to clear my mind and recenter the heart. Making your own wildflower arrangements puts the soul in touch with its own natural artful wisdom. Each bouquet has a little story of how it came to be and what the look and feel evoke for me. Each flower has a story, a healing property, and often a Scriptural connection to the Medicine of the Gospel. Different than buying an arrangement in a store, the art of making your own wildflower bouquets is part meditation, part spiritual artistry, part soul retrieval. This simple practice connects the soul more deeply to place, season, and time's past and to the present moment. In the spirit of Alice Walker's collection of poems The World Will Follow Joy: Turning Madness Into Flowers, The Trinity Bee is the place to inspire others to reconnect with their own divinity.

The Midwinter Merry

This is one of the most memorable arrangements I have ever made -- it happened on a winter walk after a big snow, I decided to take myself out in the glistening white blanketed earth. I went to one of my favorite spots, a nature preserve where I found all within a few paces of each other this most marvelous assortment of treasures -- including some kind of plant that resembled brown feathers. With In The Bleak Midwinter and all of my most beloved English carols ringing in my head, this walkabout proved to be a most inspired journey of gathering berries, brambles, and beautiful cotton looking things to add a touch of softness against the spikey brambles and the pine needles. I just love how they all work together to echo the spirit of the true natural mystic spirit of the Christmas season. This one was such a hit, I went back the next day to make a few more to deliver to friends for some winter cheer. The Midwinter Merry also pairs nicely with a glass of sherry!


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